Christmas Fair

St Columba's Church is holdimg it's annual CHRISTMAS FAIR on Saturday 7th December 2pm to 4 pm.

Donations for the HAMPERS, BAKING AND SWEETS, BOTTLE STALL, CRAFTS, TOMBOLA, FASHION ACCESSORIES, BRIC A BRAC AND BOOKS will be gratefully received and can be dropped off at the Church Office or Halls in the mornings.  Or... contact Rosi 07533955025 or Lynn 07742271878 to arrange pick up.

Items can also be dropped off on the evening of the 5th December, all day on the 6th and the morning of the 7th.

 SANTA will be in residence to greet all the children  There will be face painting and children can try their hand at the Happy Family Soft Toy Tombola. 

Refreshments will be served in the Sanctuary to the accompaniment of Christmas Music.


As always your support is very much appreciated, and we look forward to a seeing you all at the Fair

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