Dinner for Eight

 Friendships are formed around food!

A new commandment I give you: Love one another.

 As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. John 13:34

We can’t love one another if we don’t know each other properly and so the Outreach Team is launching a new initiative which we hope many of you will want to take part in in order to get to know better other members of the family of God here at Blackhall St Columba’s.

Dinner for 8 is an opportunity for groups of eight people (four pairs in each group) to connect in a casual, relaxed atmosphere over a succession of four meals of some sort over a period of several months and get to know each other better by doing so.

If this is something that interests you, you can sign up as a couple whether you join in with your partner, family member or friend. We can pair individual people up with someone else to form a couple if that suits anyone. Just let Shona know.

 Each group of eight will be formed thoughtfully with a view to encouraging the forming of new friendships or the strengthening of mere acquaintances and so please don’t request to be placed in a particular group. The idea behind this initiative is to mix everyone together.

Once groups have been formed, the four pairs will decide amongst themselves when and where they will meet. Each pair will take it in turns to host one of the gatherings and the group should meet four times before the end of the year. The meal to be shared can take any form at all. It could be a picnic, a BBQ, a dinner at someone’s home, an afternoon tea, a coffee morning, food ordered in from a take away place, a pot luck supper etc. No one should feel any pressure about the food preparation as this is all about friendship.

If this sounds like something you want to participate in, please support this initiative and give the names and email addresses of your couple to Shona Cook by 1st June 2024. The more people take part, the more successful this will be.
(07981 970054/ shonacook505@gmail.com) 
                                                                                                  The Outreach Team

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