Building for the Future
Refurbishment Programme
Dear Members and Friends,
We all want Blackhall St. Columba’s Church to be a place where people of all ages come to know Jesus Christ, grow in that knowledge, and go on to serve Him. Building for the Future is driven by that aim.
Our buildings have been at the heart of the community of Blackhall for more than 117 years. The fabric of the church building itself, the site and the church’s halls have evolved as our needs have changed and as the buildings have aged. They have worked hard, and although the main structures remain sound, they are in need of attention, upgrade and improvement.
After some consideration, discussion and prayer the Kirk Session and the office bearers, believes that we have the opportunity to improve our church and halls facilities for gospel ministry, witness and service to our community. Our legacy will be forever remembered with gratitude by future generations who will continue to worship and serve the Lord in years to come.
Therefore, in line with our vision – to Glorify God, to Proclaim Christ and to Serve others - we hope to refurbish, upgrade and adapt the church sanctuary, halls and other areas within the buildings to make them more suitable, comfortable and user friendly. In essence, we want a church and halls which are warm, light, welcoming and alive to reflect the God whose message we proclaim.
Lee Boyd Architects have drawn up plans and have presented them to the Congregation for consideration. In the coming months, a decision will be made in terms of what needs to be done, priorities and coordinate the various phases which will be required for the completion of the agreed project.
Of course, the overall cost of the project is crucial and of great importance. Without a strong and sound finance strategy, the plan will not be possible. Therefore, we will be relying on every member, adherent and friend of Blackhall St Columba’s Church, to give of their means in support of the ‘Building for the Future’ project.
Building for the future is about this generation and the next... an opportunity to invest in your children and grandchildren. We should not just be building for ourselves, but for the future.
We are imagining future generations looking back and saying thank you.