How To Give

How to donate to us here at Blackhall St. Columba's Parish Church

There are 3 Options below:

1. A donation via the Church of Scotland website

2. Bank transfer 

3. Standing Order (Planned Giving)


Please also complete our GIFT AID form

If you are a UK taxpayer, we can supplement any donation of yours by 25p for every £1 donated  by reclaiming the tax you have already paid on it from the government under the Gift Aid scheme. Gift Aid reclamations are a very important part of our income, but in order to claim under the scheme we need you to make a one-off authorisation. Once complete please return to the Church Office.

Gift Aid Form


1. Donation via the Church of Scotland website

Please click onto the link below.  From the drop down menu please select Blackhalls St. Columba's Church as your Church for donation and then follow the instructions. 

Donate to the Church | The Church of Scotland

Here, it is really important that you put your full name into the reference section so as we can ascertain where the donation has come from - unless you want to give anonymously.



2. Bank Transfer

Please use our bank details below to make your bank transfer payment

Bank of Scotland, Comely Bank, Edinburgh.

Sort Code: 80 02 22 

Account number: 00584961

Here, it is really important that you put your full name into the reference section so as we can ascertain where the donation has come from - unless you want to give anonymously.


3. Standing Order (Planned Giving)

Planned giving is one of the principal ways and most effective ways to give to our Church. You simply commit to give a regular amount each week or month direct from your bank account. It can be easily set up, amended and cancelled.

The benefits to you are that you show your determined membership of St. Columba’s Church, you do so even when you are not at a service, and you do not have to suddenly find loose change when the collection plate comes around. The benefits for the church are that we know the money is pledged and we can budget ahead accordingly.

If you can set up your standing order with your bank yourself, it will start immediately and be of the greatest benefit to our church.

As a forward-looking congregation which is seeking to expand our mission and ministry within our parish and beyond, we rely totally on the giving of our church members. Every year, existing members are asked to review and, if able, increase their giving.

Regular payments can be made monthly, quarterly or yearly. Many people these days like to set up or amend standing orders themselves.  Click below for our Standing Order Form

Standing Order Form



Blackhall St Columba's Church of Scotland, Edinburgh is a Registered Scottish Charity No: SC008756.


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