


We’re glad you’ve found our church! We hope you’ll find us to be an encouraging, friendly group of people. While we don’t make any claims to be perfect, we are regularly discovering truths that are changing us individually and enriching our lives as a church community.

The people in our congregation are like you—trying to find the time and energy to fit everything in each week and keep life in balance. To do that, we need wisdom and love beyond our own limited capacities. That’s why we set aside time every week to worship God and learn from His Book, the Bible. In our Bible study time and worship services both young and old learn principles for successful living that work not only on Sundays, but every other day of the week.

Another source of strength and joy is the support that we give each other. Lots of encouragement comes from being with people from a variety of backgrounds and interests who care about each other! 

As we worship God, learn from the Bible, and pray for one another, we develop a common bond. Families coming to church together are strengthened in their commitment to God and as well as to each other.

All the benefits that we enjoy at Blackhall St. Columba’s Church are based on our commitment to Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and the Word of God as our guidebook. When you commit your life to Christ, you enter a special relationship with God that enables you to face life’s problems and bear them with his aid and the help of his people.

We sincerely hope you’ll look further into what makes our church what it is. We welcome you to share the joy that we’ve found.




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